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You searched for: spotted

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Kitty in window watches tiny mouse across street in dark but missed pet treats clearly in sight.
  • Reborn loaf teaches ripe bananas audience freezer banana bread reincarnation miracle.
  • Man sees full moon & rips clothes pretending to be a werewolf but wife says should have said he didn’t like shirt.
  • Confused kids playing board game roll 17 on many spots freckled dice.
  • Tiny eye panda with black patches covered by white makeup asks if wearing too much concealer.
  • Peacock says gesundheit to blank tail bird who sneezed off feather spot pattern.
  • Peacock with selfie stick smartphone photographs eyes spots tail feathers but one blinked.
  • Gossiping bananas think green banana boyfriend is too young for spotted brown banana girlfriend.
  • Man wishes he wore spotted shirt as flock of birds flies in to poop on him.
  • Besides the disco ball, there are other balls like the punk ball and the country ball.
  • Tiger tells leopard that they can't date because their stripes and spots clash.

You searched for: spotted