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Hand spins Chanukah party dreidels sipping wine glasses & sprays splattered mess circle on floor.
Mother bird regurgitates piñata treat candies for chick children’s birthday party game.
Grandpa holding cute baby asks mother in diver wetsuit & snorkeling mask if Ollie drools much.
Pearl eyeball fish says gesundheit to sick sneezing oyster.
Cats fairy tale Rapunzel in tower pukes gross pet fur ball when kitty prince rescuer says to let down hair.
Angry cafe customer complains to barista about insulting pumpkin spite coffee cup sticking out tongue.
Sparkling wine says Happy New Year to bottle but it pops cork & says spray it don’t say it.
Product failures chunky pulp milk, caffeinated baby formula, salty Dr Pepper soda, Lee Press-On nose hair, sugar sweet toothpaste, stinky tuna Chicken of the Sea fish perfume, spicy cajun Preparation-H, gross leftover parts chicken soup, vegetable flavor popsicles & feline sleeping pills for insomniac cats.