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You searched for: spirituality

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  • Reborn loaf teaches ripe bananas audience freezer banana bread reincarnation miracle.
  • Full positive influence life goals edited to emulate George Harrison musician & humanitarian inspiration.
  • Meditating houseplant on mountain tells exhausted potted plant indirect enlightenment spiritual gardening advice.
  • A dog climbs a mountain to receive wisdom and learns that disobedience is okay if no one sees it.
  • A guru on top of a mountain reads fortune cookies to people who find him.
  • A Buddhist monk's thoughts during his meditation drift to Homer Simpson.
  • An overachieving boy scout helps others cross lines.
  • Church takes "Where's Waldo" approach and asks members to find God.
  • Wife's Laws of Attraction backfires as husband rationalizes watching sports.
  • Man climbs mountain to ask guru about the meaning of life and finds the grim reaper.
  • A cat puts up "Lost" posters for himself.
  • As soon as a cat leaves its body during meditation, it wants to turn around and get right back in.

You searched for: spirituality