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You searched for: spies

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  • Upside down bats talking in cave catch eavesdropping bat with right side up book listening to conversation.
  • Xmas mall Santa Claus tells women when asleep wool blanket makes her sweat & drools laying on stomach.
  • Man asks if phones secretly listen to us & smartphone in butt pocket answers don’t be silly.
  • Fruit cops say peach being painfully waxed is brave to go undercover as nectarine.
  • Angel discovers halos above head are actually spy drones.
  • A mom who works for the NSA helps her daughter find Waldo in her Where's Waldo book.
  • Ghost watching clouds sees mom ghost spying on her as a cloud.
  • CIA attempts to overthrow dictators by invading their private, personal space.
  • Peepsi covert cola parodies Pepsi cola.
  • Hiding Easter eggs are betrayed not by Benedict Arnold, but by Eggs Benedict.
  • Secret agent tells unicorn that if anything goes wrong on the mission, they will deny he exists.
  • A cat in disguise is found out when he leaves food in the dog bowl instead of snarfing it down.

You searched for: spies