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You searched for: species

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  • Hummingbird scolds trendy young bird wearing baseball cap for beatboxing instead of humming.
  • Duckbilled platypus on laptop family tree website surprised panda & giraffe are it’s relatives.
  • Suspicious cat says to check pet treats for medicine but clueless dog swallows it ignoring advice.
  • Both underwater scuba diver people and threatened shark predators warn each other they are killing machine species.
  • Clueless ocean wildlife researcher says GPS location tag sharks don’t realize being tracked & uses smartphone info tracking internet technology.
  • Turkey changes picture on Cornell University bird species painting to read bad taste poison lizard bird.
  • Ostrich mistakenly looks to commiserate about not flying to other animals who can fly.
  • Seagull babies want to know if they came from the stork.
  • A bird's distant relatives -- dinosaurs -- arrive for the holidays.
  • A dog that's half chicken and half poodle is a cockadoodledoodle.
  • Male tiger wants female tiger to wear sexy leopard print clothes.

You searched for: species