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You searched for: specialists

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Surgeon introduces patient in hospital to sleeping expert anesthesia kitty Dr. Jasper.
  • Bakery customer asks server for other baked goods but cat baker only kneads biscuit dough with paws.
  • Scientist warns cartoon speech bubbles polluting planet’s atmosphere released by talking.
  • Contractor in group of construction workers repairing building greets audience, taking down the fourth wall of comic.
  • The stone with the sword in it wishes it could see a specialist.
  • Humpty Dumpty demands a specialist when he falls off the wall, but doesn't get one.
  • George Washington's dentist calls an exterminator to work on his teeth.
  • Mike Tyson becomes a plastic surgeon because he's an expert at reducing ears.
  • Gumby sits in the waiting room of a gum disease specialist.
  • People on the Titanic get sex changes so they can be women and leave first.
  • An ear, throat, and nose specialist is the only person who can understand aliens made of ears, throats, and noses.
  • Man with injured right knee approaches two doors, door on left is left knee specialist, door on right is right knee specialist, nurse points him right.

You searched for: specialists