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Upside down bats talking in cave catch eavesdropping bat with right side up book listening to conversation.
Lady wonders who used laptop to learn second language as pet cat chirps at birds of feeder outside window.
Star Wars Chewbacca finishes Yoda’s fries in challenging speech mixup.
Anxious devil in therapy says people are always just speaking of him when he enters rooms.
Drink bottle in relationship therapy with milk carton tells therapist they’re hard to open up.
Man asks if cruel dog that says he’s unloveable bites & lady answers in her own way.
Driver enjoys song on car radio until annoying G.P.S. directions voice interrupts favorite part of purpose.
Praying mantis on date at bar with decapitated mate complains we don’t talk anymore.
Fairy tale Jack & the Bean Stalk character talks with bean seeds explaining we’re all magic when we grow.
Service dog in clothes store says awful shirt is tacky helping fashion taste impaired owner pick stylish apparel choices.
Smart desert island castaway says “I’ve got an idea!” & uses cartoon speech bubble floating lifeboat to sail ocean to safety.
Colored Easter egg in casket tells mixed-up mourner eggs at church funeral service he’s dyed not died.