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Shed needle behind Christmas tree at party suggests not shaking butt disco dancing.
Hummingbird scolds trendy young bird wearing baseball cap for beatboxing instead of humming.
Sleeping song titles on tired cat’s smartphone playlist by Beatles, REM, My Bloody Valentine & Metallica.
Boat captain tells scared scuba diver singing shark guitarist is busking shark.
Australian predator crocodile couple with marsupial pocket sandwiches both like pita koalas.
Driver enjoys song on car radio until annoying G.P.S. directions voice interrupts favorite part of purpose.
Star Wars movie stormtrooper on smartphone’s music playlist all missing you song titles.
Unsure hummingbird on laptop debates Google searching hummed songs’ lyrics.
Hurt ears cows band say music needs more cow bell & less painfully loud bull horns.
Autocorrected Christmas song texts Jingle Bells party guests mingle, painful wood splinter Winter Wonderland, fleece Navy uniform Feliz Navidad & White Christmas wine drinking Santa & Mrs Claus.
Xmas mall Santa Claus tells women when asleep wool blanket makes her sweat & drools laying on stomach.
Autocorrected holiday texts turnip turns up volume, weightlifter pumpkin pie pumping iron, groovy hippy gravy boat & masher nervous sweet potato sweats.