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You searched for: sanitation

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A bed bug stays in bed all day.
  • The pool bathrooms have been locked all day, but no one complained because they were peeing in the pool.
  • Ex-programmer/garbage worker asks if you are sure you want to empty your trash.
  • Dogs want to follow a trash truck to Shangri-La.
  • A city uses alley floss in its beautification project.
  • A woman cleans Prince's house.
  • A woman goes into shock after seeing her boyfriend's dirty shower curtain.
  • A woman dating the Ty-Di-Bowl man visits him at his house, which is a toilet.
  • A tissue tells other tissues to prepare to be used.
  • When a toothbrush gets old, he cleans toilets.

You searched for: sanitation