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Mad Father Christmas feeds reindeers laxatives to punishes very naughty people this year.
Pet cat kills sneaky Christmas Elf on The Shelf snitching on kid’s behavior.
Ninja Sloth bags gross dog poop in rulebreaker’s shirt as revenge for leaving pet’s poo by park sign.
Mean boy knocks head off crying girl’s snowman but Ninja Sloth shoves jerk in snow man body.
Ninja sloth mashes potatoes with stubborn man’s head when he refuses to help wife cook Thanksgiving dinner.
Bullied guy gets payback at beach sand kicking jerk with potato chips crumb pecking sea gulls.
Jealous cat brings home new man to live in house to get even for owner’s new pet kitten.
Stealthy slow ninja sloth suddenly tosses jerk littering park in garbage without being seen.
Mean Kermit the frog in hurry pushes old lady and is hit by falling safe karmic revenge,
Turkeys audience likes movie of turkey with stuffing behind man coking Thanksgiving dinner.
Pinatas cheer for payback movie of vengeful pinata chasing people with stick.
Man shopping choses quiet toys for his kids or noisy toys for someone else’s children store display.