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You searched for: requesting

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Fly apologizes for misheard shit sheet cake mistake & bug’s birthday disappointment.
  • Magic lamp genie multiplies 3 kitty wishes to 27 technically.
  • Dry cleaning guy painfully rubbing starchy Mr. Potatohead on ironed shirt asks customer if he said extra starch.
  • Man told to put water glass on coaster puts cup on roller coaster amusement park ride.
  • Muppet Kermit asks awkward sexual ass requests to Hamburger Helper brand glove.
  • Annoyed laptop in bed refuses to add lover’s sex request to preferences settings.
  • Man asks woman walking dog if he’s friendly and smartphone pings with social media friend request.
  • Trick or treater in smartphone costume asks woman if she wants her to have 5 bars.
  • Toothbrush requests husband puts on a different head.
  • Sister asks Santa to get a bigger whatever her brother asked for.
  • Santa's ringtone is You Can't Always Get What You Want.

You searched for: requesting