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You searched for: reply

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  • Mechanic says knock knock to auto engine & slowly waits for timing belts who’s there response.
  • Man asks if phones secretly listen to us & smartphone in butt pocket answers don’t be silly.
  • Mime on smartphone sees blank text message replies.
  • Happy dogs post what they got for Christmas on laptop computer website but sad dog got a sweater.
  • Haunted town of ghosts on smartphones wont reply to unanswered texts and email messages.
  • Star with large number of backlogged message updates tells other star that it’s behind on wishes.
  • Woman accidentally sends nasty response email to boss instead of deleting it.
  • Witch accidentally hits reply all while casting a spell in a duel and turns all of the other witches into frogs.
  • Man’s dog loves his social media post.
  • A woman's polite response to a rude text depends on which finger she uses.
  • The Scream is so upset because he accidentally sent a Reply All email.

You searched for: reply