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You searched for: repel

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  • Bite Guard to repel vampires parodies men's Right Guard deodorant.
  • A turkey's Axe body spray repels other turkeys because of its name.
  • Cat puts on Mother-In-Law collar to repel mother-in-law during visit.
  • Electromagnetic jerseys of same polarity keep hockey players from being able to fight.
  • Humpty Dumpty wears a safety harness, but it doesn't work.
  • A science teacher talks about a black hole, and a green hole from golf.
  • A dog is pulled in two different directions outside Bed & Bath.
  • Cats research whether cats are more scared of vacuums or more drawn to can openers.
  • Patient discovers cantaloupe as a more effective way to keep the doctor away.
  • Moths put in yellow bulbs when they have unwanted visitors.
  • A woman avoids a man from the sales department by using Doo Doo Breath breath spray.

You searched for: repel