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Forgetful kitty remembers to knock owner’s phone, keys & wallet off table.
Pet owner’s dog looks under refrigerator for remembered treat that bounced underneath in 2017.
Sun says happy Saturday to cloud in sky, reminding it of weekend rain storm schedule.
Batman villain Harley Quinn leaving house remembers phone, keys & mallet check list.
Impatient man urgently waits to pee at closed bathroom as forgetful custodian remembers he forgot to take down sign hour ago.
Exercising dragon’s fire accidentally burns computer after video yoga instructor reminds to breathe.
Lady asks man if made New Year’s resolutions but he forgot & remembers be less forgetful reminder note in pocket.
Hamsters on laptop get subliminal exercising urge watching circling loading screen icon spin.
Artist Mark Parisi breaks New Year’s resolutions to write down ideas by forgetting what to draw in next comic panel.
Forgetful dog failed New Year’s stop chewing things goal before it finished writing torn paper resolutions list.
Mrs. Claus asks forgetful Santa home from global Christmas toy delivery if remembered switch off smartphone roaming.
Mad scientist frustrated monster’s smart watch move alert rises dead Frankenstien to walk.