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You searched for: reflex

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Feline physician checks frisky patient’s play reflex with kitty toy lure.
  • Yawning influencer at party spreads yawns through guests & pet dog & cat.
  • Counselor asks anxious patient in therapy on ceiling about startle response.
  • Shark's reflex when dentist reaches into mouth is to bite off dentist's fin.
  • Doctor tests patient's cat-like reflexes and ends up covered in cat scratches.
  • A barber scares his client at the barber shop when mentioning his coconut cutting reflex.
  • Darwyn has good hand-eye coordination, even though he is a klutz.
  • A diagram of a cat's brain.
  • The anatomy of the brain of a new parent.
  • A brain surgeon finds a part of his patient's brain that makes him punch the nurse.
  • The inside workings of a toddler's brain.
  • Cat police play a recording of a can opener to entice out a fleeing cat criminal.

You searched for: reflex