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Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Pet owner walks in awkward chair squat to appointment with kitty asleep on lap.
  • Naughty kitty on laptop hacks owner’s pets names website password to order mice, catnip, empty boxes & tuna fish.
  • Kitty psychiatrist says patient’s life feels off due to unresolved issues or inside-out ear.
  • Praying mantis bugs at bar admit eat mates’ heads to avoid awkward eye contact after sex.
  • Doctor diagnoses drift wood brain puppet Pinocchio’s wandering thoughts concentration problems.
  • Humpty Dumpty's GPS leads him upside down causing him to fall off the wall.
  • The untold story of Humpty Dumpty's demise is a highly hung stocking.
  • The real reason flies bump into windows is that they are looking down at their phones.

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