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Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
Dining dogs love eating 5-star reviews kitchen floor food spill menu.
Frustrated Humpty Dumpty on cellphone customer review website rates All the King’s Horses & Men bad eggshell repair service.
Cat asks what bird in its mouth is worth at bird in hand two in bush cats’ currency exchanging office.
The building between the Mentos and Diet Coke factories has high insurance rates.
Consumer Police Reports on the silly stuff people do everyday that should be a crime.
The Wicked Witch of the West has high insurance premiums because her chances of being crushed by a house or melted in water are so high.
A dog chases a cat, who's chasing a mouse and feels annoyed he's stuck in middle management.
Wile E. Coyote gets low risk health insurance.
Two piranhas reminisce about the time a movie critic reached into the tank, and they call it a "definite two thumbs off."