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You searched for: rashes

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  • Autocorrected texts change desserts chocolate cake to cape clothing, criminal crème brulée robber, snoring s’more & itchy rash ice cream.
  • Long itchy nose Pinocchio on cellphone shopping website orders back scratcher to reach out of reach rash.
  • Noisy car stereo music annoys old man but loud speakerphone rash talk grosses out young people in cafe.
  • Tree tells grossed out tree that the blaze on it’s rear end is a trail marker, not a rash.
  • Rudolph was sick so Santa called on Rashy the Red Butt Reindeer to guide his sleigh.
  • Single cell organism doctor diagnosis's his patient’s rash as athlete’s pseudopod.
  • Lit firework uses online symptom checker to look up burning sensation on behind.
  • Insect’s butt rash mistaken by lovesick firefly at bar.
  • Friend interferes with Dwight's pass at girl by mentioning his rash.
  • Cheez-Itch rash crackers parody Cheez-It cheddar crackers.
  • William Tell's son gets bull's eye mark from Lyme's Disease as father shoots at apple.
  • A turkey tries to lie its way out of being killed.

You searched for: rashes