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I used to think Cupid carefully considered valentine’s love choices, now I think shoots arrows blindfolded.
Kitty novelist sleeps on laptop keyboard & types random letters punctuation to complete writing novel in one night.
Seed topped everything flavored bagel detail magnifies random assortment of many different tiny microscopic objects.
Muscled turkeys need to submit to random drug testing.
Captain Kirk materializes oddly when Scotty has transporter on shuffle.
File sharing compilations include mislabeled, with random blip noises, and to the beat of a judge's gavel.
A man gets in a horrible accident because he forgot to forward a chain email.
Wimpy, Old MacDonald, Mother Goose, and Gary Larson's reactions to hearing about mad cow disease.
A doll called Realistic Rachel cries, vomits, screams, and comes with a home mortgage like a real baby.