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You searched for: radios

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Driver enjoys song on car radio until annoying G.P.S. directions voice interrupts favorite part of purpose.
  • Autocorrected holiday texts turnip turns up volume, weightlifter pumpkin pie pumping iron, groovy hippy gravy boat & masher nervous sweet potato sweats.
  • Noisy car stereo music annoys old man but loud speakerphone rash talk grosses out young people in cafe.
  • Construction company has contract price option related to volume of radio.
  • The FCC orders a talk radio station to change its sign to yell radio.
  • At doctor's office, patient's eardrums are diagnosed with repetitive stress.
  • Early satellite radio was problematic because of the satellite dish on the roof.
  • Debate about the introduction of MTV.
  • A voice activated car goes to Hell like its driver told it to do.
  • A cat tries to convince some birds to leave the nest early.
  • Jeff would stop guests from chatting too much by turning up the music, like on award shows.
  • If you have nothing good to say, host a radio show.

You searched for: radios