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You searched for: quotation

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Lunar cycle phases change moons perspective from optimistic full phrases to pessimistic dark moon cliches.
  • Doctor recommends patient with huge fingers cut down on air quoting gestures.
  • Customer marks quotes on gross taste “delicious” apples grocery store sign.
  • Dog gets messy by rolling in a pile of garbage.
  • Dog lifts leg to urinate on tree.
  • Dog wakes up sleeping owner by jumping on the bed.
  • Bark and the whole neighborhood barks with you.
  • A dog flatters a person with a saliva lick.
  • Dog chews a calendar to shreds today, instead of waiting.
  • Bugs reenact Lauren Bacall noir movies.

You searched for: quotation