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You searched for: protective

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Man tells person locked in metal case their phone has good privacy settings.
  • Dad clock tells boy if he dates daughter, his hands are not springing forward.
  • A dog collar claims to make your small dog look tougher.
  • A woman gives her husband body armor as a gift because their cat is so vicious.
  • A storm trooper from Star Wars looks normal, and a balmy trooper wears a tank top and board shorts.
  • The Charlie Brown Hazmat Suit is full of holes.
  • At dog restaurants, it's hard to get the food from the waiters.
  • Dog cuts cone shaped cookie dough to eat with protective cone.
  • A female dog realizes she's not sure she had sex with her boyfriend because his head cone obscured his face.
  • Man is protected from shark bites by helmet.
  • Ipod father won't let daughter date ipod touch.
  • A blowfish attending a session in psychology is accused of being defensive.

You searched for: protective