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You searched for: princes

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  • Fortune teller’s crystal ball foresees Prince Charming marry snow white Frosty the Snowman husband.
  • Rebellious fruit fly fries bacon, commoner monarch butterfly watches TV, stag beetles dating & spelling bee misspells insect.
  • Cats fairy tale Rapunzel in tower pukes gross pet fur ball when kitty prince rescuer says to let down hair.
  • Prince Charming with long hair and beard tells Rapunzel in tower he’s been on lock down too.
  • Smartphone GPS app shows horse, walking and hair travel methods to Rapunzel’s fairy tale tower.
  • Turkey Rapunzel lowers her long wattle to be rescued from tower.
  • Prince Kong rejoices that he'll finally be king with King Kong's death.
  • Prince thinks Rapunzel is fickle because her long hair is all different colors.
  • Rapunzel changes hair products so her hair can be stairs.
  • Cinderella asks Prince Charming if he wants to go shopping to see how many other shoes fit her.
  • A pop-up comes up to make sure a witch really wants to cast her spell.

You searched for: princes