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You searched for: pretend

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Man sees full moon & rips clothes pretending to be a werewolf but wife says should have said he didn’t like shirt.
  • Actor dogs’ drama teacher’s assignment is to pretend they didn’t get fed dinner.
  • Turtle parent playing game asks where giggling kid obviously hiding in turtleshell could be.
  • Iphone in bed prefers scroll phone husband’s screen to Brad Pitt picture before sex.
  • Cardboard boxes audience watch street performer mime carton acting an invisible man is trapped inside him.
  • Cat in bed has motivational poster with “good job pretending to ignore this” inspirational message.
  • Fruit cops say peach being painfully waxed is brave to go undercover as nectarine.
  • Tic-tac-toe grids don’t know if grid lying on floor with X eyes and O mouth is dead or playing games.
  • Cat on laptop learns to drive pet owners insane on cat advice website by ignoring treats dropped by foot.
  • Cat and dog google how humans trick their pets.
  • Adulterous groundhog tries to hide girlfriend pretending she is his shadow.
  • Praying Mantis attempts to attract a mate with a fake chocolate head.

You searched for: pretend