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You searched for: powering

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  • Shedding kitty owner’s smartphone power cord won’t charge with piles of pet hair clogging plug.
  • Small pet hamster running spins big electric wind energy turbine in magnified close-up.
  • Reindeer in bed plugs smartphone charging cable to asleep Rudolph bulb outlet nose.
  • Jason accidentally leaves the safety on his chainsaw.
  • In addition to oil, warriors use solar power to burn offenders.
  • Impossible to tell when man's controller battery dies when playing Conductor Hero video game.
  • Two dance a ritual to compete for the last available outlet for computer in coffee shop.
  • Guilt-free mower runs on solar while guilt-ridden mower runs on grass screams.
  • During the 70s, cities would use Pete Townsend's windmill as emergency power.

You searched for: powering