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You searched for: potter

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  • Crafty kitty creates clay vase on pottery wheel & kiln to knock off table.
  • A boy uses a 'Harry Potter' type spell in his classroom to speed up time.
  • A movie has good special effects when a father's money disappears when they get there.
  • A kid likes the book better, because too much stuff was mispronounced in the movie.
  • The Big Bad Wolf brings J.K. Rowling to court on trademark infringement.
  • Harry Potter can't fly with his broomstick when he is wearing a band of gold.
  • An X-Ray shows that Harry Potter has a kidney stone.
  • If tattoos didn't have an age requirement, every kid would have Harry Potter's scar.
  • Harry Potter summons Where's Waldo.
  • People go to a movie called Hairy Potter about a hairy man who does gardening.
  • Beatrix Potter realizes she should have added spices when cooking Pigling Bland.

You searched for: potter