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  • Pet owner’s perfect kitty pic pose ruined by bum licking cat.
  • Xmas mall Santa Claus tells women when asleep wool blanket makes her sweat & drools laying on stomach.
  • Upright bat tells sloth hanging up on tree with reversed squirrel & bird perched downwards it’s matter of perspective.
  • Annoyed standing Christmas tree envious comfortable sitting tree picked seated option.
  • Upside down woman in downward dog yoga pose faces happy dog underneath on yoga mat.
  • Turtle regrets getting a laptop because it's so uncomfortable for him to use not having a lap.
  • Wind turbines break because they're too close together.
  • Cousin It applies for I.T. job opening.
  • When fish instructor is told to teach intelligent design instead of evolution, he walks.
  • The sea is filled with evil lairs.
  • God was the original global positioning system.
  • Bugs plan a way to avoid getting crushed by feet.

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