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You searched for: poison

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  • Snuggling cats love sharing heart-shaped candy box Valentines Day present together.
  • Insomniac customers buy sleeping poison apples at fairytale evil queen entrepreneur’s profitable business.
  • Annoyed kitty rejects cat date’s poisonous flower bouquets, dangerous for cats.
  • Dog in virtual reality headset eats toxic chocolate virtually in computer video game.
  • Suspicious snowman sees salted foods on computer browser history as wife brings him a snack.
  • Turkey changes picture on Cornell University bird species painting to read bad taste poison lizard bird.
  • Homeowner puts poison signs on lawn to deter dogs from peeing and pooping on lawn.
  • Man lands in hospital after mistaking poison for fancy microbrew.
  • Snow White declines witch's apple because she doesn't eat anything genetically magicfied.
  • A dog orders her husband the Death by Chocolate dessert.
  • Socrates' hemlock is organic.
  • Restaurant patron complains to chef that fish he ordered contains the mythological Mercury.

You searched for: poison