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You searched for: pepper

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  • Supermarket produce bins sell habanero, poblano, cayenne & invisible ghost pepper varieties.
  • Mansplaining man tells lady vegetable salad actually fruits, wonders why rejected second date.
  • Salt at party whispers to pepper shaker it doesn’t know PS shaker is but he always has the last word.
  • Pumpkin spice is back in town.
  • Pepper shaker and vegetable pepper wind up on a bad blind date.
  • Ground pepper warehouse gets pepper from restaurants by never saying when.
  • Waiter pours ants on top of anteater's food to season it.
  • Salt and pepper shakers agree to fist bump rather than handshake when they meet.
  • Free mace samples leave people on the floor blind and in pain.
  • Fancy worm restaurant serves ground ground on entrees.
  • Two trucks salt and then pepper a road.
  • An incompetent slug assassin uses pepper instead of salt.

You searched for: pepper