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You searched for: peer

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  • Dog defendant thinks pissing dogs in courthouse are jury of peers.
  • Wasted cats tell sober cat to try using intoxicating cat nip drugs.
  • Sleeping cat and dog influence telecommuting man on laptop to nap on couch.

  • Dogs who accidentally swallow frisbees connect at support group.
  • Cats attracted by fish smell prompt man to light candle that attracts bees.
  • While being pinned by gazelle, jaguar asks therapist to move up session.
  • Father sympathizes that daughter can't understand being reundefriended.
  • Plain pizzas wonder what to buy for the pizza with everything.
  • Fish evolve legs and migrate out of water but Lenny the fish has yet to evolve struggling out of water.
  • Lower case letter b longs to develop like her teenage peers into a mature capital letter B.
  • A dog says he's secure enough to explore his felinity.
  • A tomato doesn't know whether he belongs with fruits or with vegetables.

You searched for: peer