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You searched for: patterns

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  • White eggs enter paintball game building & exit splattered in colorful paints.
  • Man sees full moon & rips clothes pretending to be a werewolf but wife says should have said he didn’t like shirt.
  • Colorful dyed Easter egg at party says it wishes had courage to go natural to undyed eggshell guest.
  • Self-conscious guy burned clothes on fire after date’s nice shirts compliments become unenthusiastic greeting.
  • Man attacked by pecking sea gulls regretted wearing potato chips pattern swim trunks to beach.
  • Tiny eye panda with black patches covered by white makeup asks if wearing too much concealer.
  • Oblivious friend gives pink unicorn present to turtles obsessed lady & says can never guess what she might like.
  • Service dog in clothes store says awful shirt is tacky helping fashion taste impaired owner pick stylish apparel choices.
  • Colorful decorated Easter eggs crowd shocked by naked blank egg streaking outdoors public nudity surprise.
  • Slow sloth ninja suddenly colorfully decorated steals dyes from shocked lady dyeing Easter eggs.

  • Colored Easter egg in casket tells mixed-up mourner eggs at church funeral service he’s dyed not died.
  • Black cat tells stressed lighter colored cat with dark tipped tail it looks drained.

You searched for: patterns