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You searched for: patches

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  • Intermittent storm cloud with pouring rain patches aimed on purpose says it likes to hit cookouts.
  • Balls enter scary tower & exit patch sewn face baseball monsters.
  • Tiny eye panda with black patches covered by white makeup asks if wearing too much concealer.
  • Embarrassed pirate picked nose with hook and needs patch.
  • Pirate used hook hand to cover sneeze and poked eye out.
  • Pirate goes to eyeball dispenser to get a replacement eyeball.
  • Microsoft creates a mosquito net that has flaws in it.
  • Girl Scout get tattoos instead of patches.
  • A girl scout and her father talk about their different patches.
  • An electric eel gets an electricity patch at the doctor to keep his levels up.
  • Linus uses a pumpkin patch to curb his craving to wait up all night for The Great Pumpkin.

You searched for: patches