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You searched for: pastry

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Weighted blankets on production line fed sweet foods to gain weight.
  • Overweight nutcracker eating doughnuts tells other nutcracker they count as nuts.
  • A discarded box of donuts tempts birds into eating it.

  • Pillsbury Doughboy overhears woman say she likes men who wear bun hairstyles.
  • Dracula sucks on Humpty Dumpty and the Pillsbury Dough Boy for breakfast.
  • Pillsbury Doughboy gets frosting tattoo on his arm.
  • Little Debbie suspects Cookie Monster is really interested in her cookies.
  • Shameless Thing Thongs parody Hostess Ding Dongs.
  • Two neighbors share driveways and kitchens.
  • Two pastry trucks are driven by stunt drivers.
  • The Pillsbury Dough Boy gets crushed by a box of powdered sugar and the police plan to eat him instead of helping him.
  • Cops in heaven have donut halos.

You searched for: pastry