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You searched for: passwords

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Dog licks smartphone touchscreen to unlock phone’s secure tongue identity password protection.
  • Naughty kitty on laptop hacks owner’s pets names website password to order mice, catnip, empty boxes & tuna fish.
  • Fingerprint touch ID opens owner’s Iphone, Tush I.D. ass identification unlocks dogs’ phone.
  • Zombies break decomposing hands off in secret handshakes password.
  • Pet owner lets kitty walking on laptop keys pick difficult internet security login passwords.
  • Blocked text computer website passwords in support group meeting want to be remembered.
  • Cat sneaks outlawed catnip drugs illegally at secret blackmarket purr-easy speakeasies’ entrance.
  • Annoyed vampire on laptop cannot join Zoom meeting website without an invitation link to log in.
  • Child in talent show will hack her teacher’s email account before she can tackle her.
  • Penguin in crowd wonders how cell phone’s facial recognition password got hacked.
  • Snowflake's phone is protected with shape recognition.
  • A teen laptop's dad tells her she can't go out with her easy password.

You searched for: passwords