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You searched for: partied

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  • Couple celebrates after family left Thanksgiving dinner without talking about politics.
  • Intermittent storm cloud with pouring rain patches aimed on purpose says it likes to hit cookouts.
  • Guests wear protective pet hair hazmat suits in multiple cat shed fur covered home.
  • Flowers at gathering see bouquet crowd line for punch bowl vase.
  • Misspelled Passover Seder invitations invites birds for birdseed dinner.
  • Realistic rabbit at party was solid Easter chocolate model & wacky eyes bunny modeled for hollow candy.
  • Camouflaged chameleon at green St. Patrick’s Day Party confused if room is empty or full.
  • Gossiping lightning bugs at party think light face insect is a butt head.
  • Man ill in bed with sickness all work week recovers to party in bar Friday night.
  • Sprinkle doughnut at party humiliated by embarrassing bathroom accident mess on floor.
  • Snowman New Years Eve party host scooping holes in guest’s snow bum says they ran out of ice but are making do.
  • Disinterested cats ignore boring Christmas Eve & day holidays, celebrate favorite Boxing Day empty box party.

You searched for: partied