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You searched for: paris

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Annoyed coffee mug on smartphone complains about showoff travel mugs online vacation photos.
  • People trying to erase Charlie Hebdo find that erasing only spreads it.
  • The cartoonist lets his family come up with ideas for his father's day cartoon.
  • Characters from famous paintings go through the Tunnel of Louvre.
  • A man dislikes how far apart his date's eyes are -- one in her head, and one in Paris.
  • Ancient ruins from around the world crash present day landmarks's party.
  • Plaster of Paris and Plaster of Pisa.
  • Sculpture at a museum for octopuses is called Octopus de Milo, and the sculpted octopus has no tentacles, like Venus de Milo has no arms.

You searched for: paris