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You searched for: parental

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A woman gets bowls with TVs in the bottom to keep her family from fighting.
  • A kangaroo mom tells her daughter to use her inside voice.
  • A mom coconut complains that she always has to feed her child even though her husband has just as much milk
  • Birds push their son Humpty Dumpty to fly while he's still an egg.
  • Kris Kringle practices for his job by sneaking into houses when he was a kid.
  • Father and daughter play Dreidel and he gambles away all his gelt and salary.
  • Girl has temper tantrum until her mother puts on the Dumbo Movie, hence the original movie on demand.
  • A kid fakes his report card and his dad said he got the same grades when he was a kid.
  • Instead of getting tattoos, a rebellious teen butterfly has her wing markings removed.
  • A kid says he wants a Dove bar, but he swears so his mom washes his mouth out with Dove soap.
  • A cat mom nags her son to empty his pockets before putting his clothes in the laundry because she found a mouse in the washing machine.
  • A lemon tucks her son in and wishes him sour dreams.

You searched for: parental