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You searched for: paperwork

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Napping kitties prefer to sleep on laundry, laptop, boxes, paperwork & plant instead of cat bed.
  • Professional CPA taxes dog in suit has chew & retrieve toy office desk trays to organize dogs financial accounting files.
  • Office workers in pajamas have trouble readjusting to in person dress codes after remote working from home.
  • Financial papers get longer tax extensions hairstyles at beauty parlor.
  • Telecommuting worker’s home office destroyed by new puppy intern pulling computer cord & making mess.
  • Telecommuting worker’s pet cat and dog coworkers steal pencil and papers home office supplies.
  • Telecommuting woman sees jerk pet coworker cat deleting computer file and dog chewing paperwork.
  • Grouchy cat boss knocks telecommuting owner’s paperwork off desk in harsh performance review.
  • Injured Butterfinger candies factory employees accidentally spill, trip and drop tools, coffee and boxes.
  • Boss is impressed how quickly dog eats through paperwork.
  • Mr. Sorrentino couldn't think outside the box, cause he never took his light bulb out of it.
  • Judge tells a woman she can't legally change her name.

You searched for: paperwork