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You searched for: package

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Trick or treating kid in authentic canine costume eats all the treat candies & wrappers shocking pet dog and owner.
  • Spoof 9-Lives cat food bag is extra large to feed lying cats.
  • Sharing sized candies bag surprises disbelieving canine grocery shopper.
  • Spoof scam Pokémon marked playing cards package for cheating like a little monster.
  • Violent Kool Aid man jug fights and punches on painful Kool-Ache parody product packaging.
  • Vicious snapping turtles painfully bite Captain Crunch character on dangerous cereal box parody.
  • Disgusting offal meat Starwurst Starburst candy sausages parody made from you don’t want to know.
  • Angry Skippy peanut butter spoof made from peeved nuts is extra crumbly and pissed off.
  • Guy and his pet dog watch TV on couch chew Pringle chips and tennis balls in can together.
  • Drink bottle in relationship therapy with milk carton tells therapist they’re hard to open up.
  • Shopping addict cat compulsively buys wasted things in trash for cardboard box deliveries.
  • Man on cellphone shot in bum by Valentine’s Day cupid has behind photo delivery proof text.

You searched for: package