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You searched for: owning

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Pet cat and dog flag property claims for territory on owners’ new bed.
  • Dogs in court argue who legally owns peed on land to canine law judge.
  • Air passenger in helmet flags suitcase on luggage claim conveyer belt.
  • Word it’s in counseling tells therapist people think it is possessive.
  • Dracula tells son that city will someday still be his.

  • Dog takes neighbor's fence because he peed on it to mark it as his.
  • A wine glass takes another wine glass's girlfriend home by accident.
  • A cat lets a dog sleep in his own bed for Christmas.
  • A shark hunts antelope and a cheetah says he's out of his jurisdiction.
  • Rudolph sues sick reindeer for trademark infringement for having red nose.
  • Father tells son the painting of a business, not an actual business, will be his someday.

You searched for: owning