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You searched for: outrage

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Angry birds get that way from having their wings and drum sticks removed.
  • Boyfriend texts shocked flower a picture of his stamen.
  • Nail clipper is tired of clicking on thumbnails.
  • Hypnotist tells patient her eyelids are getting heavy but patient is insulted about eyelids being overweight.
  • Mark takes the day off and lets his family come up with cartoon ideas.
  • The three not-so-wise men make inconsiderate comments to their wives around Christmas.
  • A fruit lawyer says his client is entitled to a jury of pears.
  • Amoebas complain that TV these days is nothing but senseless viruses and gratuitous dividing.
  • A woman at a nudist camp threatens to kick a man where the sun shines.
  • A dog at a restaurant complains because he thought his meal would be served under the table.
  • A female elf hits a male elf with a hammer for asking her if she jingles all the way.
  • Woman busily typing on a computer accidentally deletes a file, and she reacts with anger by chopping the computer with an ax.

You searched for: outrage