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Pet goldfishes in dangerously empty fish bowl optimistically say on bright side humidity is low.
Exact same temperature water feels in warm swimming pool & freezing in shower.
Complaining house plant panics half full or empty glass of water too much or too little & will die.
Optimistic shriveled hospital balloon survives months longer than doctors anticipated.
Cheerful pet owner wakes optimistic to see gross kitty ass first thing in morning.
Both underwater scuba diver people and threatened shark predators warn each other they are killing machine species.
Lunar cycle phases change moons perspective from optimistic full phrases to pessimistic dark moon cliches.
Upright bat tells sloth hanging up on tree with reversed squirrel & bird perched downwards it’s matter of perspective.
Autocorrected depressed beach sand dune, sunscreen sun yells, stoned ocean toad & rude bird sea gull gall spelling changes.
Relaxed hyena under tree says it feels balanced by weeping willow.
Sad glass patient feels half empty before therapist appointment but has optimistic half full positive outlook after.
Tired woman drinks coffee by stormy window, view changes to positive unicorn & rainbow, woman sad but coping.