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You searched for: ordering

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Cannabis dispensary closes to restock inventory after customers Willie Nelson & Snoop Dogg purchase entire store.
  • Witch dining at restaurant eats eye of newt bowl with side dish of side-eye.
  • Witch server asks spooky diner if she wants to order children or children’s menu meal to eat.
  • Four vampire victims dine as restaurant’s sign says try our 4-course meals
  • Customer at birds’ bakery orders baker’s daily crumb special.
  • Dining dogs love eating 5-star reviews kitchen floor food spill menu.
  • Kitties wearing teenager hoodie sweatshirt & pants costume’s fresh hamster order surprises pet store owner.
  • Guy with boba pearl tea surprised by kitty drinking fish filled drink cup.
  • Empty Russian nesting doll mother tells cafe barista to fill’er up after kids at school.
  • Shopping addict cat compulsively buys wasted things in trash for cardboard box deliveries.
  • Snake’s hamsters takeout bag is delivered missing 3 eaten by driver with stomach lumps evidence.
  • Man on cellphone shot in bum by Valentine’s Day cupid has behind photo delivery proof text.

You searched for: ordering