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You searched for: opportunities

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • When bartender announces last call, phone thinks he's being nosy,
  • Stranded man writes message to recycle bottle for Earth Day.
  • Gerry sells food to fasting patients coming out of blood testing.
  • Stale fortune cookies reveal fortunes that apply to the past.
  • Saleswoman targets Spongebob's complexion for pore concealer.
  • Fortune teller asks job applicant where he'll be in five years.
  • Dad tells telemarketer he is already involved in a timeshare with daughter.
  • Woman gets good cell phone reception while at top of Empire State Building with King Kong.
  • A company called Dog Days Inc. will embrace global warming so they can expand to the other three seasons.
  • A golfer pays a beaver to make a shortcut by eating a whole in the tree while playing golf.
  • Jack opens a restaurant with giant portions after cutting down the bean stalk.

You searched for: opportunities