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You searched for: obstruct

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Remote worker blocked from laptop computer keyboard by stubborn cat laying in the way.
  • Shopping cart gamer plays parking lot spot blocking video game.
  • Cloud blocks the sun on social media.
  • Soldier serves Darth Vader cake sliced so that he can fit it into his mask's mouth.
  • A family wanted to get a dog, but the cats filibustered the decision.
  • The plumber has to unclog Rapunzel's drain again.
  • CIA attempts to overthrow dictators by invading their private, personal space.
  • Very tall man obstructs view and man behind him can only see top of movie.
  • A female dog realizes she's not sure she had sex with her boyfriend because his head cone obscured his face.
  • Sunscreen company blocks sun from solar roof panels on house next door.
  • Cat adapts to technology by sleeping on keyboard instead of newspaper.
  • Pirates fighting goes slowly because their eye patches affect their depth perception.

You searched for: obstruct