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You searched for: objects

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Exercising cat lifts weights training to achieve goal knocking bigger stuff off tables.
  • Seed topped everything flavored bagel detail magnifies random assortment of many different tiny microscopic objects.
  • A smart vacuum keeps you from vacuuming legos and rings.
  • Anatomy of child's stomach shows disproportionate room for dessert and healthy foods.
  • Tattooed and pierced patient is ironically nervous about surgery.
  • Lawyers shoot guilty t-shirts to the jury.
  • Jealous Mr. Butterworth sees Ross squeezing Mrs. Butterworth.
  • A lawyer in a courtroom objects to having the family dog pose as a character witness for a trial.
  • A lawyer bribes a judge by making him an ice cream sundae at the stand.
  • The Easter Bunny complains to John Lennon about his use of the phrase "eggman."
  • The choices for how to spend eternity in hell are painful situations.
  • Lawyer playing defense in basketball blocks a player's shot from going in net, and yells, "Objection!".

You searched for: objects