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Infant’s dad wishes babies came with instructions & doctor gives him love & accept your child note.
Ob-Gyn doctor on cellphone texts parents with newborn online 5 star rating request after birth.
Ultrasound doctor tells pregnant Russian nesting doll she will be a mother, grandmother & great-grandmother.
Blinded OB doctor reindeers squint in blinding light delivering infant red nosed Rudolph at mom’s hospital bed.
Dandelion OB-GYN doctor with fan tells pregnant dandelion seed puff mother they’re going to induce labor.
Pinata ultrasound technician shows pregnant pinata mother Baby Ruth candy bar sonogram.
Man with bad eyesight goes to an obstetrician instead of an optician.
Doctors use puppets to scare a woman giving birth on April Fools.
A doctor can't find Houdini in his mother's womb.
Lyle Lovett is born and the doctors keep seeing hair instead of his head.