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You searched for: necklace

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Shocked leprechaun’s pot of gold stolen by slow St. Patrick’s Day ninja sloth thief dressed in expensive jewels & bling.

  • Excited cat prefers crumpled paper gift wrap to diamond collar birthday present.
  • The gold chain Jason gives his wife is for the chainsaw.
  • Besides the disco ball, there are other balls like the punk ball and the country ball.
  • Jeweler gives Cupid money to shoot two lovers admiring jewelry.
  • Humpback whale lives rock star life since his song was recorded by marine biologist.
  • Teen gives mom a necklace to wear at mall that is actually a proximity alarm shock collar.
  • Man gives woman brain-shaped necklace as his love comes from brain.
  • Cavemen and cavewomen celebrate Mardi Gras on Bourbon Street in 50,000 B.C. with rock necklaces.
  • Baby's playpen disclaimer averts the responsibility for damaged or stolen property.
  • A vampire has necklaces in his teeth that look like floss.
  • Godzilla jewelry is made of small women named Ruby, Amber, and Pearl.

You searched for: necklace