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You searched for: narcissism

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Man is so narcissistic that when therapist asks him if he's a narcissist he thinks he's too fantastic to be one.
  • A man thinks everyone is admiring his body at the beach, but he actuallyhas a horrible sunburn.
  • Santa plays a playlist of songs about himself in his workshop.
  • A turkey takes a selfie before being killed for Thanksgiving.
  • Narcissus looks at his reflection.
  • Everything Queen Midas touches turns to shoes.
  • Mirror woman is unsure if mirror man is smiling at her or himself.
  • If George Foreman ruled the world, everything would be named George.
  • Celebrities check their egos at door but coat checker decided to them on with monstrous results.
  • A grocery store has a lane with a mirror you can check yourself out in.
  • The Betty Rubble Center for Recovering Toons serves cartoons instead of celebrities.

You searched for: narcissism