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You searched for: maul

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Veterinarian asks painfully scratched man how cat did getting in pet carrier.
  • Ferocious leopard claws out of Leopardy Jeopardy spoof parody quiz show game box showing injured man hurt by cat scratches.
  • Cat attacks mice when they are playing hockey.
  • Randy Jackson, American Idol judge, called his cat 'dawg' and then gets scratched.
  • A bear attacks a man while he's making shadow puppets.
  • A man takes the safety seal off a package and a monster reaches out and eats him.
  • Man holding pen wants autograph from tough-looking guy because they made a movie about him for mauling 2 dozen people with a writing instrument.

You searched for: maul